Industries Minister K. Tarakarama Rao on Thursday visited Tiruvuru and Palladam Textile parks in Tamil Nadu to study the textile industry.
During his visit, the minister met industrialists and enquired about the measures taken for developing the textile industries in the clusters. He also enquired about incentives to Handloom and Power loom workers and industries in the state of Tamilnadu. He met TEA (Tiruvuru Exporters Association) representatives and explained about the handloom policies of Telangana Govt and the proposed mega textile park in Warangal.
The TEA agrees to set up 10 units in Warangal Textile park. The minister appreciated the initiatives and planning of TEA. He also requested them to visit the Warangal Textile Park. He also met the TEA employees and enquired about the facilities provided.
KTR assured the TEA representatives that Government of Telangana will be allocating a separate block for TEA officials in the Warangal Textile Park. He also met the weavers and enquired about the various facilities being offered in the Palladam Hitech Weavers Park in Palladam. He visited to the facilities range from health, housing, education and various others. He also directed the Telangana officials to adopt the Palladam model and develop the Sircilla Park.
Later in the evening, minister also spoke to the PSD students in a gathering in Coimbatore. They applauded his vision and enthusiasm for the development of Handloom weavers. He encouraged them to be job givers and not job seekers. Also, the minister advised them to use technology in their entrepreneurial ventures. Government of Telangana and PSD institutions entered into an MOU to share knowledge in skill up gradation, training in management, training, R&D etc in the field of textile industry. (INN)