Minister for IT and Panchayati Raj KT Rama Rao on Friday invited Governor ESL Narasimhan for the inaugural of T-Hub to be held on September 7, 2015. The Minister detailed that T-Hub is the largest tech incubator in the country and will nurture the raw ideas by providing technological, legal, business and entrepreneurial support.
Impressed by the idea of T-Hub, the Governor recollected his visits to various Universities in the capacity of Chancellor. “Students have brilliant ideas but don’t know where and how to showcase them. I hope T-Hub bridges that gap and provides a platform.”
While accepting the invite, the Governor said that he was interested in interacting with the partners of T-Hub and their plans to groom prospective entrepreneurs.
Rama Rao also requested the participation of the Governor in Grama Jyothy programme. Narasimhan will attend the rural development initiative on Monday. (NSS)