IT Minister KT Rama Rao has received an invitation from the FICCI to participate in the FICCI- IFA Business Forum meeting to be held on June 24 in Spain. The FICCI organizing committee urged the Minister to participate in a panel discussion.
The committee urged KTR to address on “Synergies in IT, Smart City, Tourism Promotion”. The every year cinema awards function of the IFA will be organized in various cities and this year it will be held in Madrid City in Spain. The IFA organizers conduct business forum every year as part of IFA film awards presentation.
The FICCI also invited the Minister to address the FICCI national executive meeting to be held under the presidentship of Harshavardhan Neotiya on July 4 at Hyderabad. Industrialists and experts from across the nation would participate in the program. The IT Minister was requested to address on the business opportunities in Telangana State. FICCI chairman Sangitha Reddy sent a special invitation to the Minister in this regard. (NSS)