Hyderabad: MA&UD Minister KTR inspected the containment zones in Khairatabad, Asifnagar and Mallepally areas on Thursday. While interacting with the residents, he said, “The government is taking precautionary measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and as a part of the same, the government has come up with containment zones.”
Minister KTR enquired the citizens about their health and wellbeing. Minister’s visit has provided a strong reassurance to the citizens living in these containment Zones.
Minister also asked the citizens if they were completely aware of the Coronavirus and the precautionary measures to be taken. He appealed to the citizens to spread more awareness among their family members and neighbors.
Minister KTR stated that social distancing is the only way to keep coronavirus away. He appealed to the people to stay home and also follow social distancing strictly.
Minister asked the residents about the supply of essential goods in their area. He assured them that the government will ensure there will be a free flow of supply of essential goods.
Minister KTR interacted with the medical and sanitation workers in the containment zones and enquired about the conditions prevailing in their areas. He expressed his gratitude to the frontline workers.