Hyderabad: Congress MP of Rajya Sabha, Mr. P. Goverdhan Reddy made a forecast that Mr. KCR’s son, Mr. KT Rama Rao will be the next CM of Telangana State. Explaining his remark, Mr. Reddy told that there are reports in the media that Mr. KCR’s health is not good, on the other hand there is unrest among the TRS loyalists that they are being neglected. There is resentment among the old TRS leaders that the new comers are being given importance.
In addition to these factors, Mr. KCR is confident that TRS won’t get majority in the General Elections of 2019. Keeping all these circumstances in view, Mr. KCR is seriously considering making his son, Mr. KT Rama Rao to succeed him as CM of Telangana State.
–Siasat News