Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao, Home Minister N Narsimha Reddy today participated in some developmental works in Musheerabad segment. KTR laid foundation for a total of Rs 57.63 crore works at various places on Sunday. The works include Rs 8.49 crore worth BT Road at Katta Maisamma Temple (Kavadiguda division), Rs 60 lakhs for Community Hall at Bheem Maidan, Rs 96.50 lakhs for fish market, Rs 4.66 crore for CC Roads at Adikmet, Rs 2.92 crore community hall at Nehru nagar and Rs 40 crore for municipal shopping complex at Gandhinagar division.
BJP MP Bandaru Dattatreya, MLA K Lakshman, Corporatorrs, Mayor B Rammohan, Deputy Mayor Baba Fasiyuddin, GHMC Commissioner B Janardhan Reddy, and officials were present.(NSS)