Information Technology Minister K. Tarakarama Rao on Tuesday alleged that the Congress had entered into an “unholy” alliance with the TDP only to defeat TRS in Palair Assembly by-elections.
Addressing an election meeting in Rajeshwarpuram of Neelakondapally of Khammam district, KTR said that the people have been voting in favour of TRS in all elections due to the impressive performance of State Government. He expressed confidence that people of Palair would ensure the victory of TRS candidate Tummala Nageshwara Rao in the by-elections. He said that the Congress party was hoping to win the elections with the help of TDP and YSRCP. However, he said it would be rejected by the people.
KTR said that the State Government has started Bhakta Ramdas Lift Irrigation scheme to benefit Palair. He appealed to the people to vote judiciously. (INN)