Municipal Minister KT Rama Rao today directed officials concerned to prepare and implement a perfect action plan on war-footing for next Rainy season in the city. During a high level meeting here at HMDA here the minister asked the officials for effective coordination of the departments for a two month plan for rainy season. The Government is ready to spend adequate funds for the road repairs on time and offer GHMC with special funds every month KTR said.
The meeting assumes significance as the government faced criticism on bad maintenance of roads causing a lot of inconvenience to the people and commuters last rainy season. He said that coordination with traffic police, HMDA and others will give positive results to check rain related problems by timely fixing of problems of roads in the city. He said that AE official was appointed to each ward to check the roads and give patches if necessary immediately. The minister warned that serious action will be taken against the officials if they failed to attend to the road related problems. We have identified 181 water stagnating areas and 346 roads with vulnerable points so far and the focus should be on them without any further delay he said. Zonal Commissioners should take special care and measures on these issues and plan out to fix the problems at Metro Rail and HRDC areas.
KTR asked the officials to cancel holidays for engineering staff for two months, press in the staff and workforce to expand the roads, lay parallel roads, cover up manholes, repair roads with patches and avoid stagnation of waters and maintain them better. He also said that timely steps will help avoid traffic jams and chaos on roads.
Municipal Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar, GHMC Commissioner Janardhan Reddy, Metro Rail MD NVS Reddy, Water Works MD Dana Kishore, Deputy Mayor Baba Fasiyuddin and officials were present.(NSS)