Raichur (Karnataka) [India]: In what may come as a shock, Kurma Rao, the Chief Executive Officer of the Raichur Zilla Panchayat in Karnataka, was recently filmed being carried across a drain by two people, ostensibly as he did not want to get his shoes and pants wet.
The high-ranking IAS official of a Zilla Panchayat in Karnataka has been facing criticism from all quarters after being carried across a drain by two local men.
Following calls from the Opposition, Karnataka Assembly Speaker K.B Koliwad has ordered a probe against him.
Raichur MLA Manappa D Vajjal said that the act was an insult to the people who were made to carry the Zilla Panchayat CEO.
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said that appropriate action would be taken against Rao after the incident is thoroughly probed. (ANI)