Bengaluru: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister CN Ashwath Narayan on Sunday condoled the demise of Pejavara Mutt Seer Vishwesha Teertha Swami who passed away earlier in the day and said that he worked tirelessly to make people understand the purpose of life.
“He worked tirelessly to make people understand the strength of our Dharma and the purpose of life. This loss is unbearable, let the god give us the strength to withstand this loss. The government is geared up that the last rites should be performed very systematically, to maintain the law and order and to facilitate all his followers and well-wishers to pay their last respects to the honourable Swami Ji,” said Narayan.
“He was suffering from illness for a prolonged period. He was not responding to the treatment and because of the respiratory illness he succumbed to the disease and we have lost him. He had worked tirelessly for the upliftment of the society, socially and religiously,” he added.
Narayan further said that Vishwesha Teertha Swami used to organise Iftar parties for the Muslim community people to bring brotherhood among all the people of all religion.
“He worked and lived with the people facing discrimination like untouchability. He wanted to convey a strong message to society to stop the discrimination. He was a real inspiration, he believed inequality among all irrespective of the caste and creed he wanted equality in the society,” he added.
Pejavara Mutt Seer Vishwesha Teertha Swami passed away on Sunday morning.
Earlier today the mortal remains of Vishwesha Teertha Swami reached Basavanagudi in Bengaluru for the last rites. The mortal remains were kept for the public to pay final tributes in Bengaluru, before being cremated.
Meanwhile, the state government has announced three-day mourning from December 29-31, following the demise of Pejavara Mutt Seer.