Slamming Hrithik-Kangana, KRKtook to his Twitter handle to write, “Ye Dekho Kangna n Hrithik Ko. Pahle Dono Ne Ek Doosre Ki Chupkar Li Ab Khuleaam Public main Le Rahe Hain.”
The spat between the Bollywood stars took a very murky-public turn on Tuesday, with both the actors sending legal notices to each other.
The 42-year-old actor sent a legal notice demanding a public apology for defaming him and in response to it, the 28-year-old actress issued a 22-page missive of her own.
The two were rumoured to have been an item, but differences surfaced when they slammed each other in public in January, albeit without naming each other.
Kangana Ranaut was asked about being ousted from ‘Aashiqui 3’ because of her rumoured ex-flame Hrithik Roshan, where she said, “I don’t know why exes do silly things to get your attention.”
Hrithik’s notice, however, seems to refer to this January interview.
In reply to the ‘Queen’ actress’ answer, the ‘Bang Bang’ actor took to Twitter to express his anguish about it.
“There are more chances of me having an affair with d Pope dan any of d (Im sure wonderful) women d media hs ben naming. Thanks but no thanks,” read his tweet.
Reportedly, Hrithik also mentioned in his statement that he has received 1,439 “senseless, personal and absurd” emails from her and how he chose not to respond to them for the longest time. (ANI)