The congress party is planning to release Telangana Jana Samithi (TJS) founder, M Kodandaram in all Assembly constituencies, which would “swing” votes in favour of grand alliance.
During a meeting between Rahul Gandhi and Kodandaram, the chief of TJS explained to Rahul Gandhi that the Mahakutami/grand alliance has emerged as a better alternative to mutual KCR-led TRS in Telangana.
While talking to TOI Kodandaram told, “people of Telangana have realized that, this grand alliance would give the governance they dreamt of in the new state and also fulfill their aspirations.”
“The TJS is working on common minimum program and this would be on the lines of CMP of UPA-I government. The implementation module would be mostly on the lines of UPA-I CMP module and would be improved further,” he also added.
The All India Congress Committee revealed, Kodandaram has a good image among the people of Telangana with 60% of total voters which includes the students, the un-employed and the youth. This could successfully led mass agitations like the million-march.