New political party “Telangana Jana Samithi” (TJS) under the leadership of Prof. M Kodanaram was announced on Sunday at a public meeting held at Saroor Nagar Stadium. The leaders unanimously elected Prof. M Kodandaram as the president of the party in the meeting amidst thousands leaders sat on the dais. After the party announcement, Kodandaram hoisted party flag on the dais.
Speaking on the occasion, the leaders said the TJS was floated for the sake of democratic and social Telangana. They lamented that the present rulers were indulging in sand mafia, land mafia and other nefarious activities and Telangana State fell into the hands of anti-Telangana leaders. They warned Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao that they will not keep quiet and will fight for the sake of democratic Telangana under the leadership of Kodandaram. They said they will fight to end the ‘Dora’ rule in the State. They said the TJS was formed to fulfill the aspirations of the Telangana people.
TJS Leaders Gade Innaiah, Telangana Development Forum convener DP Reddy, Padma Chalma Reddy, Laxmi and several others addressed the meeting. (NSS)