Know Muharram holidays in Telangana

Hyderabad: Muharram, which is one of the holiest months for Muslims in Telangana and other states in India, is set to begin in a few days. The tenth day of Muharram which is known as Ashura is one of the most significant days for Muslims worldwide and like in most parts of the world, the Telangana government has announced a holiday on this day.

According to the Telangana State Portal Calendar for 2023, the 10th Muharram or Ashura holiday in Telangana will be observed on July 29. The day has been listed under ‘General Holidays.’ Additionally, the 9th Muharram, which falls on July 28, has been listed as an optional holiday.

However, it is important to note that the holiday date in Telangana is subject to change based on the sighting of the Moon. As the Islamic calendar relies on the sighting of the crescent to determine the beginning of each month, the start of the Muharram month in Telangana depends on the sighting of the Moon.

In Hyderabad, the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee convenes a meeting on the 29th of Dhul-Hijjah to officially declare the start of the month of Muharram. Their decision is based solely on the sighting of the crescent.