Mumbai: Though Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan make one of the best couples of Bollywood, her decision initially wasn’t taken too kindly by her sister Karisma Kapoor and her mother Babita Shivdasani.
In a report, Lolo was quoted as saying, “It was for me too, to some extent. Our family is slightly conservative but then we accepted that this was Bebo: all heart and all sentiment. Besides, she has this incredible ability to always know what is right for her. She is led by emotion and instinct but, touch wood, her decisions have always proved to be positive and wise.”
ears back, Saifeena’s dating news indeed came as a surprise to many fans. The couple started seeing each other since October 2007 and it was in October 2009 when the Chote Nawab made their relationship public. Finally, on October 16, 2012, they tied knot and began a new chapter of life.
At present, Saif and Kareena have geared up to take their relationship to another level by embracing parenthood soon. On the work front, Bebo is prepping up for ‘Veere Di Wedding’ and her hubby Saif is gearing up for Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Rangoon’.