Mumbai: Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar, who has renewed his friendship with best friend Kajol, says the actress ‘is and will be more than special’ to him.
The ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ director, at the launch of his radio show, was asked about the reconciliation between the two, to which KJo replied, “This platform isn’t about my personal life. But Kajol is, has always been and will always remain more than special to me, for the time to come. Always.”
Karan was also asked about the ongoing ‘Padmavati’ row but he refused to comment on the same.
The 45-year-old, who is debuting as a radio jockey as a ‘love guru’, spoke about the fact that he has no issues with actors falling in love with each other on the sets of his film.
“It has happened more than five times, I can assure you. It happens all the time. People fall in love. It’s the industry of love,” he said
Adding, “I believe you can never stop anyone’s personal life. We are here to make movies. What people do in their personal capacity is entirely their thing.” (ANI)