Hyderabad: G. Kishan Reddy, BJP Candidate for Amberpet Constituency, filed his Nomination papers today, with the Returning Officer at MRO Office, Amberpet here. Dr Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State for the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Prime Minister Office, Atomic Energy and Department of Space, Bandaru Dattatreya MP and former Union Minister were also present on the occasion.
Devara Karunakar, BJP candidate for Nampally Assembly constituency, also filed his nomination today, with Returning Officer at MRO Office, Vijay Nagar Colony. Dattatraya MP and former Union Minister was present on the occasion.
Dattatraya participated in nomination rally of Bandapalli Satish Goud, BJP nominee for Secunderabad constituency today, from Warasiguda to Chilkalguda.(NSS)