Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy appears to have softened his stand on bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. After making a series of strong statements against the Centre on the issue, the Chief Minister, during his ongoing visit to the national capital, carefully gave clear indications that he would abide by the decision of Congress Working Committee on the Telangana issue.
“There are several intractable problems in the division of the State and Seemandhra leaders want to first solve these problems before going ahead with the process,” the Chief Minister said while addressing a press conference at Andhra Bhavan after meeting Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh here on Saturday. While maintaining that he was not convinced about the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, he said he was not against the sentiments towards separate Telangana. “I am not against the demand of the people of Telangana for a separate state. I respect their sentiments. What I have been saying is that if the State remained united it would be more beneficial for both the regions. If the State is bifurcated, it will be the people of Telangana who would be affected more than those of Seemandhra region”, he said.
Kiran Kumar Reddy also listed out the possible problems that are likely to crop up after division, especially with regard to sharing of river water. Therefore, the epicentre of his address to the media was not the total opposition to the idea of bifurcation, but on resolution of problems that might appear in future.
Union HRD Minister MM Pallam Raju too objected to the fast pace of bifurcation. “There has to be a proper way if the bifurcation is happening,” he said adding that the Telugu people were unable to digest the speed at which the bifurcation process is going on.
Earlier, the Chief Minister along with Union Ministers Pallam Raju, Chiranjeevi and Panabaka Lakshmi met the Prime Minister seeking relief for the victims of Phailin cyclone and heavy rains. The Chief Minister later thanked Dr Manmohan Singh, AICC President Sonia Gandhi and other Central leaders for announcing an interim relief of Rs 1,000 crore for the State. (INN)