Mumbai, June 15: Pregnancy seems to be taking its toll on Aamir Khan’s wifey dear & dainty director Kiran Rao. Just days after the lean lady was discharged from a South Mumbai hospital, after being treated for fever, she has once again been admitted to the hospital. Kiran, who is reportedly three months pregnant, has not been keeping well off late, fighting fever for over a month now. Just recently, Kiran’s condition was so critical that she had to be admitted urgently for the second time.
Aamir to be a father for the third time
Although at the first time, the doctors were unable to reach a complete diagnosis of the lady. However this time round, the sources state that the doctors have confirmed that she is suffering from lung infection. And with his wife unwell, Aamir Khan is playing the role of a doting husband to perfection. The actor is spending nights at the hospital and returning to his Bandra home only to catch up with his work and film commitments.