Hyderabad: In a gruesome incident an alcohol addict killed her 70-year-old mother after the latter refused money to buy alcohol. The killer daughter also stayed in the same room, with the body, for a week. According to officials the crime occurred more than a week ago at Ippaturu village in Nawabpet mandal of Mahboobnagar district. The incident came to light on Thursday after neighbours found the daughter, Parvathamma, dragging her mother Narsamma’s body into the main room of her home, to dispose it off.
According to sources Parvathamma’s elder brother, Narayana, had also killed their father Nagaraju after he refused to give him money for alcohol, four years ago.
According to the police sources, 30-year-old, Parvathamma, who had two failed marriages due to her alcohol addiction lived with her mother Chakali Narsamma (70).
A week ago, mother refused money when Parvathamma asked her for money to buy some liquor. Both had a row over the issue following which the daughter is believed to have struck the mother on the head with a stick. She was said to have later doused the body with kerosene.
When neighbours asked about Narsamma’s whereabouts Parvathamma told that her mother was visiting a relative. However they spotted her dragging her mother’s decomposed body into the main room of her house on Wednesday night and alerted police. During interrogation Parvathamma admitted that she killed her mother. She said she was under the influence of alcohol when the crime was committed. Police has arrested Parvathamma.