Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawattoday launched The Great Khali’s special India focused Pro-Wrestling talent programme titled’Continental Wrestling Entertainment’ (CWE) in New Delhi.
It was announced that the programme, promoted by Khali’s CWE Academy, would be kick-started, in February 2016, with a two-day spectacle of International standard fights to be held in Uttarakhand in association with specialist sports and brand management company ‘Integrated Brand Solutions (IBS)’ and supported byHarish Rawat’s youth outreach initiative ‘#CM4Youth’.
Commenting on the initiative, Rawat said, “I have always said that the youth is not just our future but also our present and in a young country and state like ours their development and betterment is of prime importance to any ruling dispensation.
“I was really impressed by what Khali is attempting to do with this very popular modern day version of one of our most traditional sports ‘Wrestling’.
“I am really happy that Khali agreed to my suggestion of kick-starting this initiative from Uttarkhand, in association with my youth outreach programme#CM4Youth, as well as looking at the state as one of the major talent sources for his programme.
“Pro-wrestling is very popular with the Uttarakhandi youth and Khali’s own story of his rise from being a very ordinary worker from the hills to rising to being amongst the world’s greatest pro-wrestlers ever through single minded focus, hard work and absolute dedication is nothing short of inspirational.
“I am very confident that this initiative of Khali will not just go a long way in creating additional excitement and awareness about the sport among our youth but also offers them a brilliant platform to get recognized and chart their own success story in the world of pro-wrestling,” an official release quoting the CM said here.