Mumbai: The prime accused of Bhima Koregaon violence, Milind Ekbote, executive president of Samasta Hindi Aghadi, was attacked in the Pune Sessions Court on Monday. He was arrested last week from his residence on the charges of inciting violence after the Supreme Court turned down his anticipatory bail plea. The one who had attacked him also tried to blacken his face but was arrested, the police said.
The police said that the court has extended Ekbote’s custody by two days. The other prime accused, Sambhaji Bhide, on Monday had addressed a press conference at Sangli, demanding that the real perpetrator of the riot need to be arrested.
One person was killed, after the riots had broken at Bhima Koregaon on January 1, 2018 during the commemoration of the bi-century old Koregaon battle. Where Dalits had gathered to mark the event. Bhide said that the riots are being used politically. He also asked why the state government decided to pay for the damage in the riots. “Government should make the perpetrators of the riots to pay for the damages,” he said.