New Delhi: After the SC ruled out a forceful conversion of Kerala girl Hadiya who was reportedly caught in the controversy over her marriage with Shafin Jehan, the Apex Court has now sent Hadiya back to Sivaraj Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Institute, Salem, to continue her studies.
Meanwhile, her husband has stated that the court has issued no such directions prohibiting Jehan from meeting his wife, but Hadiya’s college principal maintains that he would see that the couple does not meet with each other since her father K.M. Ashokan will be legally fighting to get a restraining order against husband Jehan.
Dr Kannan speaking to a news source told, “We won’t allow Hadiya’s husband to meet her. Her parents admitted her here and only they can meet her,” adding, “she can’t go anywhere alone and can do nothing without prior permission from the college.”
Her 27-year-old husband Shafin Jehan speaking to the media has told that the apex court has not issued any directives against him. He said, “The National Investigation Agency’s allegation that I have connections with the IS terrorist organization is baseless. There were eight reports on my alleged connections with IS in the High Court. I hope that the SC will eventually unite us as a couple.”
Meanwhile, the Kerala Police arrived at the airport with Hadiya and her parents just 10 minutes before the flight to Coimbatore took off.
Hadiya’s parents allege that Hadiya’s two classmates Jazeena and Fazeena had forcibly converted their daughter to Islam.
Hadiya arrived at her college premises along with the police personnel on Tuesday evening after the SC’s order. Her husband Jehan nor her parents were to be seen at Hadiya’s college premises.
Hadiya’s father challenging her daughter’s will said he would get legal help that would not allow Jehan to meet Hadiya. Her mother Ponnamma speaking to the reporters said, “We can’t imagine our daughter getting married to a terrorist. Our daughter’s classmates’ fathers converted her to Islam which we were not aware of initially,”
“Let her complete her studies and have a bright future. We gave her good education with my husband’s paltry earnings. We never expected her classmates to cheat us,” she added.