New Delhi : The Supreme Court on Wednesday decided to hear the plea by Hadiya’s father, seeking in-camera proceedings of the case on November 27, when Hadiya will appear before the court, in connection with the Kerala ‘love jihad’ case.
Earlier on November 21, Hadiya’s father moved a fresh application in the Supreme Court seeking direction for in-camera proceedings of the hearing on Monday.
The 24-year-old Hadiya has been in the headlines after she became a Muslim following her marriage to Shafin Jahan.
Earlier on Monday, the Chairperson of Kerala Women Commission was again denied permission to meet Hadiya, whose marriage to a Muslim man set off a legal war – famously known as Kerala ‘love jihad’ case.
Last week too, Hadiya’s father did not allow Commission chairperson M. C. Josephine to meet her.
The chairperson had visited to ensure Hadiya’s safety during her journey to Delhi for the hearing in the Supreme Court on November 27.
The commission has now sought a report from the district police chief regarding her travel arrangements and safety measures.
As of now, the 24-year-old, Hadiya, is with her parents, who have alleged that her marriage to a Muslim man is a case of ‘love jihad’.
The case is under consideration of the apex court now, which had ordered the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to look into it.
Jahan filed a plea in the Supreme Court on September 16 and requested to call off the NIA probe, alleging that the investigation agency “is not being fair”. (ANI)