Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Tuesday dismissed a plea challenging the picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the Covid vaccine certificates and imposed a fine of Rs one lakh on the petitioner.
Justice P.V. Kunhikrishnan said: “This is a frivolous petition filed with ulterior motives and I have a strong doubt that there is political agenda also to petitioner. According to me, this is a publicity oriented litigation. Therefore, this is a fit case that is to be dismissed with a heavy cost,” said the judge.
The petitioner argued that a vaccination certificate was his private space and he has certain rights over it.
He argued that since he had paid for his vaccination, the state has no right to claim the credit by inserting a photograph of the Prime Minister in the certificate issued to him.
Incidentally, when this petition came up early this month, the judge asked the petitioner why he was ashamed of having Modi’s photo on the vaccination certificates and had pointed out that he was wasting judicial time.