Kejriwal seeks report from Chief Secy over nonpayment of dues

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday shot off a letter to Chief Secretary M. M. Kutty, over the non-payment of dues to the vendors who provide medicine to government hospitals.

Kejriwal has sought a detailed report by Wednesday morning with the reasons for delay in payments.

The Chief Minister has also directed the top bureaucrat to implement a system, if the payments are not cleared within the prescribed days.

Under this, an interest would be paid to the vendors and it will be deducted from the salaries of the officials including the Head of the Department.

The move comes after the Delhi Hospital Supplier’s Association wrote a letter asking the Chief Minister to clear their payments.

“The situation has now become such that we are facing problems in execution of supply orders for want of funds, thus affecting the availability of drugs and consumables in Delhi Govt. hospitals. If things do not change, then we will have no option but to stop the supplies,” read the letter.

The Delhi Government has been receiving complaints over the non -availability of medicines and consumables in some government hospitals.

Following which, Kejriwal directed the Chief Secretary to ensure 100 per cent availability of medicines at the earliest.

The Chief Minister has also received complaints about non functional X-Ray and CT Scan machines in the hospitals.

Kejriwal expressed strong displeasure over the matter, despite giving clear indications to the Chief Secretary to report about the status of availability of medicines. (ANI)