Sagar: Describing Delhi Chief Minister as a “quarrelsome CM”, Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy today said the AAP leader indulges in mud-slinging at the Centre to show that he is without a blemish, despite the fact that his principal secretary is facing charges of corruption.
“Kejriwal is quarrelsome Chief Minister. To prove that he is clean, he (Delhi CM) slings mud at the central government continuously whereas his principal secretary was accused in corruption charges,” Rudy, Minister for State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, told reporters here.
To a query, he said that the stance adopted by Congress in National Herald case showed the public that party president Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul, facing corruption charges, were above law.
He claimed that the party’s move to stall the proceedings of Parliament for “political interest” was an example of intolerance.