Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal who was in Bihar on the invitation of his counterpart Nitish Kumar visited the Bodh Gaya temple here on Thursday and offered prayers.
Nitish Kumar accompanied Kejriwal to the temple and joined him in offering prayers along with his delegation and other priests.
The visiting Chief Minister while attending a program on ‘good governance’ slammed the Narendra Modi-led government, saying it was ‘anti-poor’ and ‘anti-farmer’.
Kejriwal who had earlier today shared the dais with Nitish at an event on ‘governance’, attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying it was ‘anti-poor’ and ‘anti-farmer’.
The Delhi CM also slammed the Prime Minister over his announcement of Rs 1.25 lakh crore ‘special package’ for Bihar saying it was an effort to buy the people of Bihar.
Nitish Kumar added that he was aiming that both the Delhi and Bihar governments co-operated and supported each other to achieve their demands on full statehood and special category status. (ANI)