New Delhi: The BJP on Friday alleged that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who has got a historic mandate, does not know how to work and has only one agenda of denigrating the institution of the Prime Minister of India.
” Arvind Kejriwal has got a historic mandate and this mandate is to perform and to work. It is not a mandate for accusations, just every day making political accusations and, therefore, not working. Whenever he tries to draw the Prime Minister into a controversy unnecessarily, he needs to also reflect that Delhi is the capital of India. And what he says here about the institution of the Prime Minister, it has an impact here as well as globally,” BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli told ANI.
“This raises a question whether Mr. Kejriwal has an agenda to denigrate the institution of the Prime Minister of India.he has so far not worked, he has been only making allegations, which raises another question, is he interested in working or he does not know how to work or he doesn’t want to work. These are serious questions. Let us look at the case of Delhi Police. He says, ‘Give me Delhi Police, in one hour I will change it’. He could not prevent the suicide of Gajendra Singh in front of their eyes and now they are saying to change the Delhi Police in one hour,” he added.
Kejriwal had earlier alleged that the adamant BJP-led NDA Government has now adopted the policy of ‘na kaam karunga, na kaam karne dunga'(neither will I work, nor will allow anyone to work).
“Earlier they used to say ‘na khaunga na khaane dunga’, now they say ‘ na kaam karunga na kaam karne dunga’. But don’t worry, I am adamant too. I always say that when you are on the path of truth, God is always there with you. All I need is love and support,” he said while addressing an Eid Milan function at Babarpur.
Kejriwal said the people are now assured that their leader is working for development of Delhi.
“The public is now assured that their new leader is not involved in corruption, but works for their development. And it is these people who will pay taxes, give donations. We will build 1,000 dispensaries for you. There will be at least 15 dispensaries in each and every legislative assembly,” he said.
“We are working 24 hours. All the promises we had made, I am hopeful to fulfill them in five years. But as I had said, these people are going through sleepless nights because they feel they have lost the ground under their feet. Everywhere I am going, I am getting to hear from the public that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is not letting Kejriwal’s government to function smoothly,” he added. (ANI)