New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday asked Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi to expose Prime Minister Narendra Modi outside Parliament if he had proof of Modi’s involvement in corruption.
“If Gandhi actually has papers on Modi ji’s personal involvement in corruption then why doesn’t he expose it outside the Parliament?” Kejriwal tweeted.
Kejriwal’s remarks followed Aam Aadmi Party leader Ashish Khetan’s tweet which said if Gandhi was not allowed to speak inside the house, then he should speak outside and disclose the information he has about Modi.
The Chief Minister also alleged collusion between the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party.
“Friendly match. BJP says they have Augusta Westland against Congress. Congress says they have Sahara and Birla against BJP. Both don’t disclose,” the AAP leader said.
Kejriwal had earlier accused Modi of taking several crores of rupees in bribe from “Sahara and Birla” when he was Gujarat Chief Minister.