Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vinay Katiyar on Friday claimed that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the Discom company BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (BYPL) were behind a conspiracy to cut power in the capital for ten hours. “Kejriwal”s plans are not good. I think both the company and Kejriwal are in cahoots with each other. Both are focusing on their own profits due to which the people of Delhi are going to suffer,” said Katiyar. “He (Kejriwal) needs to think hard on all issues before making promises on behalf of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Everyone can see their true colour now,” he added. Congress leader J.P Agarwal said the AAP did not know how to run the government. “There must be something missing in their actions. It is quite clear that they don”t know how to run the government,” said Agarwal. “They should not play with the trust of the Delhi people, as it will give a very bad result,” he added. Discom BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (BYPL) has warned that it would be forced to resort to daily power cuts of up to 10 hours from February because it has no funds to pay public sector generation units for power supplies. The Reliance-backed Discom has written to the Delhi Government saying it could lose over 500mw of supply if generation units do not extend credit and give it more time to clear its dues. (ANI)