Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday accused the media of taking money from industrialists Ambani and Adani to give publicity to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. “Media has been claiming for the last one year that Modi has carried out a lot of development work. Media is lying because they have taken money from Ambani and Adani,” said Kejriwal. “People told us that Modi is a nice person. So we visited Gujarat and check the claims of Modi. But the reality is that the farmers in Gujarat are frustrated with Modi. Here also the lands of the farmers were given to Adani and Ambani for throwaway prices,” he added. Kejriwal claimed that nearly 800 farmers had committed suicide in Gujarat due to Modi”s policies. “Modi has cut all subsidies to the farmers. Nearly 800 farmers have committed suicide in Gujarat in the last 10 years,” he added. (ANI)