The Bahmani Educational and Cultural Association’s ‘launching ceremony’ and all India ‘Naatiya Mushaira’ was inaugurated by Minister for Municipal Administration, Wakf and Minority, Mr. Qamarul Islam. Dr. Wahab Andalib and Academy Registrar, Mr. Mirza Azmatullah were the chief guests at the function held at Faraan College here on February 5.
The Mushaira was jointly organised by the Bahmani Educational & Cultural Association and Karnataka Urdu Academy, Bangalore. Noted Urdu poets were present at the event.
The program began with a Naat by Prof. Hamid Akbar and Syed Tayyab Ali.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Qamarul Islam said, “ people are trying to wash out the Urdu culture. The Hyderabad-Karnataka region was ruled by the great Bahmani kings for a long time and we have to keep the Islamic tradition alive by organising such events. More NGOs should come forward to organise such events”, he added.
Association Secretary and noted Urdu writer, Mr. Hamid Akmal presided over the function and vote of thanks was given by the President, Nooruddin Noor. Another member and artist Dr. Rehaman Patel also present.Courtesy:Karnataka Muslims