Home Minister N Narsimha Reddy today urged the high power committee to keep in tact Hyderabad the capital of Telangana State and make Devarakonda a new district if there is a possibility. He said that Hyderabad is equally important for Telangana State like nose is for face.
The Home Minister submitted a memorandum to the committee Chairman K Keshava Rao not to split the Hyderabad city in the wake of reorganization of districts. Since the State government was in a mood to increase the number of districts beyond 30, the Home Minister vouched for making Devarakonda as a new district. He called on Keshava Rao when he was discussing on the demand for four new districts with committee members. The Home Minister said that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao conceded his appeal to make his home village Neradigommu in Nalgonda district into a mandal. (NSS)