New Delhi: As actor Keanu Reeves ringed in his 56th birthday today, his fans made sure to make it memorable for the star by making #Keanu Reeves trend on Twitter.
From recalling his journey in the entertainment industry to just wishing ‘The Matrix’ star, his legion of fans left no stone unturned to make the birthday special.
“Happy birthday to one of my absolute favorite humans #keanureeves,” wrote a fan.
While another admirer wrote: “Happy Birthday Gentleman. You’re A Gem, and An Influential Example For Others!”
One of his fans also jotted down the movies aced by the actor with his performance and also shared the character looks from films – ‘John Wick’ (2014), ‘Speed’ (1994), and the ‘Matrix’ (1999).
“Happy birthday to Keanu Reeves! The iconic and legendary star of ‘Speed’, ‘The Matrix’ and ‘John Wick’,” wrote another fan.
Scores of wishes poured in, dubbing him from the “finest actor” to “legend” to “most kindhearted” to “badass celebrity”.
The star, who has an impressive array of roles his belt, is one widely loved actor in the acting industry with credits including movies such as ‘John Wick’ sequel, ‘Point Break’, ‘The Matrix’, ‘Speed’ and many more.