The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday described Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao’s statement reiterating that his government will provide for 12% reservation to Muslims as a “blatant lie”. It also called it “unconstitutional and uncouth minority vote bank politics.”
“BJP strongly disapproves this open and shameless pandering for Muslim votes by CM KCR being in a constitutional position. Knowing very well that the reservations limit set by the Supreme Court cannot be violated and very clear SC orders against religion based reservations, CM KCR is still making this kind of deviant statements,” Telangana BJP official spokesperson Krishna Saagar Rao said in a media statement today.
The BJP leader said that the Chief Minister’s statement exposes his “pro-Muslim, anti-Hindu and anti-BC/SC/ST mindset. He said any increased reservation has to be drawn from the quota assigned to BCs, SC and STs. “BJP considers this as unforgivable misadventure negatively affecting the economically backward classes, in pursuit of public pandering for Muslim votes. BJP believes 100% that CM KCR cannot deliver on this illegal, unconstitutional & uncouth false promise on 12% reservation to Muslims,” he said. (INN)