Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao distributed 1 lakh each to 69 journalists or to the families of dead, sick and disable journalist on the occasion of his 63rd birthday. The function was held at CM’s camp office.
He also made an announcement on Friday to give 2BHK houses, provide financial help of 3 lakh to the family having a marriageable age girl, job, education for children in government school and pension of Rs 3,000 per month for 5 years, when requested by some widow and other family members of dead journalist.
Telangana State Press Academy chairman Allam Narayana and Governor’s Council members also complimented him by helping the journalists who are suffering. On that note, CM said that he will increase the funds to the academy that are helping journalist in all possible ways. The funds will be increased from 60 crore to 100 crore.
He also added, the interest obtained from 100 crore per annum will be used for journalist welfare scheme. He ensures every working journalist will have ESI and Provident Fund.