Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has directed the officials to prepare a detailed report on construction of two new water reservoirs in the north and south of Hyderabad city.
While holding a review meeting with the officials of Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department at his camp office on Monday, the Chief Minister asked the officials to prepare the report on new reservoirs so as to ensure proper supply of water all households in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The review meeting was attended by Special Advisor to Government D. Srinivas, Principal Secretary Narsing Rao, Secretary Finance Ramkrishna Rao, MA&UD Secretary MG Gopal, GHMC Commissioner Somesh Kumar, Warangal Commissioner Sarfaraz Ahmed and other senior officials.
Besides identifying suitable locations for new reservoirs, KCR asked officials to identify areas which need to be linked with water supply system. He also directed officials to prepare proposals for underground drainage systems in Nizamabad and Karimnagar.
KCR said that the State Government would formulate a new policy to prevent illegal constructions. He asked officials to ensure provision of basic amenities in five corporations, including GHMC and 62 municipalities in the State. (INN)