Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has directed the officials to complete the Dindi Lift Irrigation Project on war-footing basis so as to provide irrigation facilities to 3.5 lakh acres of land in Mahabaubnagar, Nalgonda and Ranga Reddy districts and also to provide drinking water to flouride-hit Deverkonda and Munugudu constituencies in Nalgonda district.
Addressing a review meeting with the senior officials at his camp office on Saturday, the Chief Minister asked the officials to prepare an Action Plan for the early completion of the project. The meeting was attended by Industries Minister Jupallly Krishna Rao, CMO Special Secretary Narsing Rao, Nalgonda Collector Satyanarayana Reddy, Retired Chief Engineer Shyam Prasad, Additional Secretary CMO Smitha Sabharwal and other officials.
The Chief Minister said that reservoirs would be constructed in Singrajupally, Guttimukala Krishnaram Pally, Shiva Nagudam of Nalgonda district and Arakapally of Mahabubnagar district. He said earlier Rs. 75 crore were released for the construction of reservoirs. He announced further release of Rs. 100 crore for construction of reservoirs on immediate basis. He asked Finance Secretary Ramakrishna Rao to release the funds.
KCR said that the affected villagers would be paid adequate compensation for land acquisition and Rs. 5.04 lakh each for the construction of houses. He directed the officials to minimise the number of affected areas. He said that the project design should be modified to enable supply of drinking water to Hyderabad. (INN)