Hyderabad: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao requested Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Dr Harsh Vardhan to extend support and cooperation for the activities undertaken by his government to increase greenery in the State. The CM also requested the Union Minister to sanction Rs 100 crore from Central share of CAMPA funds for supporting the State government’s initiative of developing 188 forest blocks under Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority limits. KCR also sought environmental permission from the Ministry of Environment and Forests for stage-II Palamuru Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Project.
The Chief Minister also requested the Centre to restore ratio of 70:30 percent under ad hoc CAMPA rules, which was approved by the Supreme Court. The CM thanked the Union Minister for according environmental permissions to Kaleshwaram Project. The CM has requested the Union Minister to visit the Kaleshwaram project, which was under advanced stage of construction as well as some places in the State to personally see the programs undertaken for development of greenery for which Union Minister agreed.
Dr Harsh Vardhan called on Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao at Pragathi bhavan on Saturday afternoon. The Union Minister congratulated the Chief Minister on his electoral victory. On the occasion, he CM, along with officials, had a meeting with the Union Minister. The discussion rotated around plantation program, forest conservation, forest rejuvenation, protection of wild animals, environment protection and so on. The Union Minister was briefed through a power-point presentation on the implementation of Telangana-ku-Harithaharam program in the State, action to protect the forests, efforts for forest rejuvenation, development of social forestry and so on. The Union Minister complimented the efforts of the state government to improve the greenery. He said, that, the union government is making efforts to bring a new Act for protection of forests. He suggested that more and more awareness programs have to be organized to ensure that society at large realizes the need for massive plantation program.
The CM informed the Union Minister that earlier no proper steps were taken to protect the forests in the state resulting in reduction of greenery. He said the primary objective of Telangana Ku Harithaharam is to increase the green cover from the existing 24% to 33 %. CM said, that, under Telangana Ku Harithaharam it is proposed to plant 230 Crore of seedlings out of which 130 Crore will be planted outside reserve forests and 100 Crore inside the forest. CM said that at present every year 40 crore seedlings are planted and in future action plan is prepared to increase the number to 100 crore per year. The CM said, that, in addition to plantation steps have been taken for their protection. In view of construction of projects and for other development activities, in case if there is a necessity to lose trees anywhere, immediately steps are being taken to plant equal number of trees elsewhere and adequate funds are provided for this. The CM said, that, the Telangana life style and development of forests have an inter relation with each other. The CM said, that, the Bathukamma Festival which is a State Festival is organised purely with the flowers available in the forests and the festival is also a symbol of Telangana culture and tradition.
During the meeting between CM and Union Minister, Chief Advisor to Government Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary SK Joshi, Special Chief Secretary Ajay Mishra, CMO Principal Secretary S Narsing Rao, CMO special Secretary Bhupal Reddy, PCCF PK Jha, CCF Raghuveer, Additional PCCF Shoba, Pollution Control Board Member Secretary Satyanarayana, Irrigation ENC Muralidhar Rao, CMO OSD Priyanka Varghese participated. Later the CM had lunch with the Union Minister and other officers.
Before the commencement of the meeting, the CM has instructed the District Collectors to take responsibility of overseeing protection of seedlings, including watering, which have been planted on a large scale throughout the State as part of Telangana Ku Harithaharam. He asked them to prepare an action plan and implement it for plantation of seedlings as well as their protection. The CM asked Chief Secretary SK Joshi to issue orders immediately to this effect entrusting the responsibility to the collectors for the protection of plants. CM said funds from MGNREGA, CAMPA and from other sources are available and they should be properly made use of. The CM suggested that every school student should be taken to forest visits to create awareness on forestry and involved in plantation.