Former MP Ponnam Prabhakar on Friday alleged that Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has engaged the entire official machinery to sabotage the ‘Telangana Bandh’ call given by opposition parties on Saturday in protest against State Government’s anti-farmer policies.
Addressing a press conference at Congress Legislature Party office, Ponnam said KCR, Ministers K. Tarakarama Rao and T. Harish Rao and Nizamabad MP K. Kavitha have directed their party legislators and leaders to ensure that Telangana Bandh fails. He said that the TRS Government was using all means to fail the bandh. However, he said people would voluntarily participate in the bandh and make it a success.
Ponnam alleged that KCR has been trying to suppress the voice of opposition and it was clearly evident from the mass suspension of entire opposition from Assembly and Council. He said that the opposition would call off the bandh if State Government agrees to waive off crop loan dues in single installment by Friday evening. (INN)