City intellectuals lamented upon the decision taken by Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to dismantle building of Osmania General Hospital. Captain Pandu Rangareddy said ‘no state had the privilege to have pro-people ruler such as Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur. He built Osmania General Hospital building on a vast expanse. People from all the districts of Hyderabad Deccan would come to hospital for treatment, the trend is still continued till today. This was the only hospital where patients and their attendants were completely taken care of; they were provided standard food, milk and bread with an egg in the breakfast. Captain Pandu Rangareddy who rejected PhD degree as mark of protest against change in Osmania University logo told that Osmania Hospital was spread over 26.7 acres of land while the structure is built on just 2.5 acre land if Chief Minister wanted to construct new building he should spare the heritage structure and construct the new building on the remaining land. He argued that if Queen Elizabeth could reside in 1000-year-old Buckingham Palace why the 90-year-old Osmania General Hospital Building could not be renovated.
Mrs. Udesh Rani who is popularly known as encyclopaedia of Hyderabadi culture claimed that KCR has become the ‘tod phod Ismail’ of the modern era. On asked who he was? She recalled that Sir Ismail who came from Bangalore was appointed as minister during Asif Jahi period. As soon as he took charge of his post he demolished the wall located at Husain Sagar then he razed the exterior wall of Makkah Masjid. KCR seems to be doing the same.
Well known doctor of the city Dr. Shyam Sunder Prasad strongly opposed the decision of dismantle OGH structure he felt that KCR should have consulted doctors, intellectual and VIPs of the city before announcing such thing.
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