New Delhi: The Congress on Monday said the K. Chandrashekar Rao government in Telangana has shut down 4,000 state-run schools while 2,000 schools were to face closure.
Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala tweeted: “The KCR government shut down 4,000 schools in the last tenure and another 2,000 schools face closure. Dismantling is the word for KCR – from Secretariat buildings to Public Education!,”
Self annointed King KCR’s latest body blow to Telengana’s public education.
KCR Govt shut down 4,000 Schools in last tenure & another 2,000 schools face closure.
Dismantling is the word for KCR- from Secretariat buildings to Public Education!
— Randeep Singh Surjewala (@rssurjewala) July 8, 2019
Sharing a media report claiming that around 2,000 schools in the state were at closure due to low enrollment, Surjewala termed it as “KCR’s latest body blow to Telengana’s public education”.