Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s timely action saved the lives of 24 laborers, who were trapped between two streams at Edupayala in Medak district on Sunday.
According to a press release from the CM’s Office, some 24 laborers, including a woman, belonging to the neighboring Odisha and Madhya Pradesh States, came to Medak district some four days ago to work at Edupayala Bridge. Meanwhile, the flood waters from Singhur reached Ghanapur village. At the same time, the Irrigation officials released excess water from Ghanapur. With this, 24 laborers were trapped between the two turbulent steams.
When the district administration brought the incident to the notice of the Chief Minister on Saturday, Chandrasekhar Rao, quickly response and decided to press government helicopter into service to rescue the marooned from the rivulets. But when he was told that only an IAF helicopter could do the job, the Chief Minister immediately spoke to the IAF authorities, who responded favorably.
On Sunday morning, an IAF helicopter reached the Edupayala area and rescued the stranded laborers from the flood waters. On the Chief Minister’s direction, Deputy Speaker Padma Devendar Reddy and District Collector Ronald Ross camped at Edupayala and supervised the rescue operation. The Chief Minister heaved a sigh of relief as the lives of stranded coolies were saved. KCR also directed the officials to respond immediately to help solve the people’s problems. (NSS)