Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister and Telangana Rashtra Samiti party chief K Chandrasekhar Rao on Monday clarified that he has no intention to float a national party. Speaking at the TRS Legislature Party (TRSLP) meeting, Rao dismissed the reports that appeared in a local newspaper claiming that he would float a new national party called Naya Bharat.
While stating that he has no such plans, Rao said that he would only decide after discussing them with the senior party leaders.
Besides, the TRS supremo also exuded confidence that the TRS would win close to 100 seats in the forthcoming GHMC polls. A report of the survey conducted on GHMC elections, he said, came in the party’s favour. According to him, the TRS would win 94 to 105 out of 150 divisions. In the last GHMC elections, the party won 99 seats.