As expected, founder-president of Telangana Rashtra Samithi party K Chandrasekhar Rao was once again unanimously elected as chief of the ruling party on the occasion of the party’s 16th foundation day celebrations on Friday. The TRS was formed in 2001.
Home Minister Nayini Narsimha Reddy, who was the Returning Officer for the election, declared KCR elected unanimously as the TRS president at the party headquarters TRS Bhavan in Jubilee Hills before the commencement of the plenary session of the party being held at Kompally near Medchal on the city outskirts.
Narsimha Reddy, flanked by Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali, Secretary-General K Keshav Rao, ministers and senior party leaders, said 12 sets of nominations were received by him for the post of the party president. Ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, ZP Chairmen, Corporation Chairmen, TRS district presidents and so on filed nominations separately. “All of them wanted KCR to be the president of the party. The elections were held in a cordial atmosphere. “Since everyone had proposed KCR’s name as president in the nomination form sets, I declare him elected unanimously”, Nayini announced amidst thunderous applause and bursting of crackers.
Ministers Talasani Srinivas Yadav and K Padma Rao immediately offered sweets to the Returning Officer and other senior leaders present. (NSS)