Hyderabad: Terming Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao as “Chota Bhai” of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Pondicherry Chief Minister Narayana Swamy alleged that KCR was indulged in publicity instead of working for the sake of people.
Addressing the Congress party mandal, block level representatives training camp at Shamshabad here on Saturday, Swamy said that it was surprising that KCR was trying to construct another Secretariat by leaving the existing one. Calling upon the party activists to strive unitedly to bring back the Congress party to power, Swamy said that Congress was like a family.
Targeting Modi, Swamy said that there was practicality except mere words. Modi bring nothing new. He was changing the names of the schemes and making huge statements. Modi was confined to foreign trips and he never taken care of states. Modi was habituated in a manner that he his speeches dishonouring the country. Three years were completed after Modi becoming the Prime Minister of the nation but he forgot the assurance of depositing rupees 15 lakh in every person’s account. Modi was not in a position to see the suicides of farmers in Maharashtra and in Telangana. The revenue decreased to the states due to GST introduction. “Telangana Finance Minister Etela Rajender told me that Rs.850 crore revenue was lessened within two months”, he said. (NSS)