Hyderabad: For election to two Rajya Sabha seats in Telangana State, TRS President and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao has announced the names of party candidates. The CM declared the names of TRS Parliamentary Party leader Dr. K. Keshav Rao, and former AP (united) Assembly speaker K.R. Suresh Reddy as party nominees.
The TRS candidates will file their nominations on Friday. Both Keshave Rao and Suresh Reddy thanked the Chief Minister for deciding on their candidature. The Chief Minister congratulated both the party nominees.
Apart from the two candidates nominated, many other TRS seniors aspired for the RS seat. Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy from Khammam, Nayani Narasimha Reddy from Hyderabad were among them. It a also speculated that KCR’s daughter and former Lok Sabha member K Kavitha, who was defeated in the last election, might be selected for one of the seats