Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today underwent treatment for tooth ailment in a Delhi Hospital. The Chief Minister, who reached the national capital on February 8 was taking treatment for tooth problem. He is likely to return home after two or three days.
The doctors reportedly advised him to take rest for a couple of days. KCR is likely to meet with the Union Ministers and seek their cooperation and timely release of funds for various projects. It is being touted that the Chief Minister will also meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on getting appointment.
According to the information, the Chief Minister may meet with the Prime Minister on his return from abroad. If the meeting is fixed, KCR will impress upon the Modi Government to make adequate funds available for flagship programs like Mission Bhagieeatha, Mission Kakatiya, Irrigation projects and welfare and others. The Telangana Government as well as the Andhra Pradesh Government are unhappy with the Union budget. Both the States expressed displeasure at the poor allocation or non-allocation of funds to speed up the ongoing projects or development works. At this backdrop, the Chief Minister will make a strong appeal to Modi Government for liberal allocation of funds. (NSS)