Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has said the goal of his government was to complete all the irrigation projects meant for providing water to the agriculture sector at the earliest. He asked the officials and work agencies to work in three shifts to complete the barrages, sub-stations, pump houses and canal works simultaneously.
The Chief Minister visited the project sites and examined the ongoing works. The CM left for the site this morning along with public representatives in two helicopters and visited Tupakulagudem Barrage, Medigadda Barrage, Kannepally Pump House, Annaram Barrage, Siripuram Barrage till afternoon and interacted with the officials and representatives of the working agencies on the works position.
Declaring that his government was ready to extend full cooperation for construction of the projects, the Chief Minister enquired with the officials on the flow of the floodwaters in the Godavari river at Toopakulagudem. The officials replied that it was now 6000 Cusecs. The officials also said 1132 Meters of Cofferdam works were over and the remaining 150 Meters will be completed soon.
The Chief Minister asked Director General Mahender Reddy to talk to the police officials in the neighbouring States on the issues. The DGP informed the CM that by using Drones the construction works were being supervised and all security measures have been taken. The CM wanted that the roads needed for the projects should be completed on fast track. He also asked the officials and working agencies to keep in mind the State Government’s resolve to complete all the irrigation projects in the State and work accordingly.
The Chief Minister was accompanied by Ministers T Harish Rao, Etela Rajender, MPs Vinod Kumar, Balka Suman, Chief Secretary SP Singh, DGP Mahender Reddy, Special Chief Secretary (Irrigation) SK Joshi, TS Genco CMD D Prabhakar Rao, Bhoopalpally Collector Murali, Irrigation officials participated.(NSS)